New Receiving Procedure (6/4/18)

Following this new procedure will really help us cut down on getting overcharged. We appreciate it!

1. Compare the invoice with the items and counts delivered.

2A. If everything matches, write "100% Delivered" large on the invoice with your name and place the invoice in the managers box

2B. If something is missing or different, circle the entire item and make note of the quantity missing or difference (in as large of letters as space allows) . Inform the delivery driver if they are still on premises (ask them to stay if possible while you check the order). Then note if the driver was informed of the issue. Place the invoice in in the managers box

We no longer write checks. Payment is handled by bookkeeping. If a driver needs to know - the contact information for billing is:

Dot Morris
263 S Logan Street
Denver, CO 80209

Thank You!